The assignment here was to create a triptych that represents my past, present and future. 
🔵 The blue piece representing my past, is a view of a job I had directly out of high school. A call center job that I ended up leaving to commit to art and design full time. 
🟢 The green piece is a view of the present. This was done at the beginning of quarantine when motivation was fleeting and getting into the proper state of mind to create felt daunting. 
🟣 The purple piece is a glimpse into the future. at such an uncertain time it was difficult to think of what the future would look like, but one thing that is consistent in my life, no matter the circumstances, is self reflection. 
Titles from left to right: I'm Gone, Daunting, and Reflection
Software Used: Affinity Designer, Adobe Illustrator
Class: Forum II (Spring 2020)
Professor: Jim Condron
Assignment: Triptych of the Past, Present, and Future

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